The Archimedean Kids Parent Teacher Organization, also known as the AAPTO, AA Kids PTO, and Archie Kids PTO is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is fully funded through donations. The AAPTO does NOT receive any funding from the school district. Your membership is a sponsorship of the AAPTO organization. We rely on your membership dollars to fund all our scholar events throughout the year. We encourage you to join, donate and get involved with us today.
What do you get with your 2024-2025 AAPTO Membership?
* (2) volunteer hours towards your 30 required family hours.
*Access to our exclusive AAPTO WhatsApp
* AAPTO Gift (While supplies last).
*Volunteer hour opportunities.

Do I have to volunteer?
* Your help is appreciated, and it is beneficial in working towards the completion of
the 30 required volunteer hours. Refer to the AA Parent Handbook / Volunteer Program section.
* If your schedule doesn’t allow for volunteering, please consider donating towards the events we host.
* See our membership form for more details.
How does the AAPTO receive their funding to host all these events?
* The AAPTO is fully funded by the parents.
* The events we host, the merchandise you buy, donations made to our organization and by supporting our fundraising events. All our efforts throughout the year are intended to add joy to our scholars lives as well as earn money for specific school betterment goals.
How many hours does each family need?
* 30 volunteer hours are needed per family / per year.
How do you earn hours?
Payment Information
Zelle - 786 831 8498
Square - https://archimedean-kids-pto-inc.square.site/
Website - https://www.archiekidspto.com/shop
Checks Payable to “ARCHIMEDEAN KIDS PTO, INC.” Deliver checks to homeroom teacher in an envelope with the “NAME OF THE EVENT THE PAYMENT IS FOR”.
Include name of student, homeroom section and payment event with all payments.
Ex: (Jane Doe 2B Donation)​
We are delighted in your interest in Archimedean Kids PTO, Inc.. There are many ways for you to participate, and we truly appreciate each and every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our Non-Profit Organization and help to strengthen our community.
Are you able to donate goods or services towards AAPTO's multiple fundraising events? Our organization appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you. Every contribution goes towards making Archimedean Kids PTO, Inc. an even better Non-Profit Organization that serves your community. Contact us to share your information pertaining to your specific mode of support.
Make your contribution to Archimedean Kids PTO, Inc. today.